Disabled backup jobs

This metric investigates backup jobs, searching for any that may be disabled inappropriately. If any of your backup jobs have been disabled inappropriately, you may not be aware of their state.

Install metric...

Metrics install automatically if you have Redgate Monitor installed.

If you are using Redgate’s SQL Server monitoring tool, Redgate Monitor, you can instantly install and run this metric on your servers.

This metric investigates backup jobs, searching for any that may be disabled inappropriately.

If any of your backup jobs have been disabled inappropriately, you may not be aware of their state. This may cause you grief if backups do not occur properly. Ensuring that your backup jobs are functioning as desired is paramount. Monitoring them is vital to the health of your topology.

The alert associated with this metric will keep a vigilant eye on your systems, ensuring that the appropriate jobs remain in an enabled state, allowing their functionality to continue executing properly.

Note: This query looks for jobs with ‘backup’ in the name. It also excludes specific jobs that are acceptable to be disabled. Enter your own values here as you see fit.

Note: This metric works on SQL Server 2000 SP4 and later versions.

Metric definition


Disabled backup jobs


This metric investigates backup jobs, searching for any that may be disabled inappropriately.

If any of your backup jobs have been disabled inappropriately, you may not be aware of their state. This may cause you grief if backups do not occur properly. Ensuring that your backup jobs are functioning as desired is paramount. Monitoring them is vital to the health of your topology.

The T-SQL query that will collect data

Instances to collect from

Manually select instances containing the databases you’re interested in

Databases to collect from


Collection frequency


Use collected or calculated values

Leave the Use a calculated rate of change between collections check box unchecked

Metric collection


Alert definition

Alert name

Disabled backup jobs


This alert is raised when named backup jobs are in a disabled state. It keeps a vigilant eye on your systems, ensuring that the appropriate jobs remain in an enabled state, and allowing their functionality to continue executing properly.

Execute the following query to see status of all backup jobs:

SELECT @@ServerName AS [ServerName],
    CASE WHEN sj.[enabled] = 1 THEN 'Enabled'
         ELSE 'Not Enabled - Please Investigate'
    END AS [Enabled],
    ISNULL(run_date, '') AS [Run_Date]
  FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj 
                                   ELSE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR, sh.run_date),
                                                  1, 4) + '-'
                                        + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR, sh.run_date),
                                                    5, 2) + '-'
                                        + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR, sh.run_date),
                                                    7, 2)
                              END) AS [run_date],
                    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory sh
                    WHERE Step_id = 0
                    GROUP BY job_id
                  ) AS sh
    sh.job_id = sj.job_id
  WHERE sj.name LIKE '%backup%'
    AND sj.name NOT IN ('Daily Backups.Subplan_1')
  ORDER BY [run_date] DESC,

Raise an alert when the metric value goes

Above the defined threshholds

Default threshold values

Medium:Turn off check box
Low:Turn off check box

Note: These thresholds are intended as guideline values. If they seem too high or too low for your environment, replace them with values more suited to your server performance.

Raise an alert when the threshold is passed for

1 collection

Alert is
